Designers Tower Logo

Exhibition of Innovative Interior Design

Aachener Straße 66, 50674 Cologne

Anja Bachmann
Yvan Caillaud
Benoit Deneufbourg
Anja Bachmann
Yvan Caillaud
Benoit Deneufbourg
Paula Ellert
Paula Ellert
Robin Scholtysik
Pierre-Emmanuel Vandeputte
nettesheim design
Robin Scholtysik
Pierre-Emmanuel Vandeputte
With its sixth edition, the Designers Tower 2021 celebrates a premiere – in a transnational cooperation, the format presents Belgian and German designers in equal parts. Five of the exhibitors come from the Brussels metropolitan region, five from the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The Designers Tower will present their high-quality, innovative and sustainable designs in cooperation with MAD Brussels and supported by and MWIDE NRW.

Following the proven concept, small studios, ateliers and independent designers at home in interior design will once again be presented. The furniture and furnishings, characterised by the different orientations of design training and cultural influences of both countries respectively, enter a special correspondence in the group exhibition.

The careful and critical selection of the participants is a guarantee for the high quality level of the group exhibition and for recurring highlights. In addition, some of the exhibits shown here in recent years have won awards such as the Interior Innovation Award, the Red Dot Design Award, the Cologne Design Prize or the German Design Award.
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Design & Website
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